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Jam Donuts Recipe

Jam Donuts Recipe

I’ve got a recipe today that’s going to take your donut obsession to a whole new jam-tastic level! We’re talking light and fluffy yeast-risen donuts, fried up to golden perfection, then stuffed with sweet, juicy jam. Can you even handle that?

As a donut fiend, I’m always looking for fun new ways to jazz up this beloved breakfast treat. And filling them with jam is an absolute game changer. Each tender, cake-like bite oozes with fruity jam that provides the most incredible flavor contrast to the doughy exterior. Total donut bliss!

No matter what jam or topping you choose, these donuts are sure to be a hit. The joy is cracking them open to unveil that colorful jam surprise inside. It’s donut magic, I tell ya! I can’t wait for you to give this recipe a try. Just be warned – once you start frying and filling donuts, it’s hard to stop. Your friends and family will be begging for these incredible jam-filled donuts. Get ready to see some very happy faces!

Why You Will Love This Jam Donuts Recipe

Golden Crisp Exterior, Luscious Filling – Imagine sinking your teeth into a donut with a perfectly golden, crispy outer layer that gives way to a luscious burst of jammy goodness. It’s the ultimate textural symphony that delights your senses.

Flavor Fusion – The juxtaposition of the slightly tangy jam and the sweet, doughy donut creates an exquisite flavor balance that dances on your taste buds. It’s a delectable medley of sweet and fruity notes.

Perfect for Sharing – From family gatherings to brunch with friends, these donuts are a delightful way to spread happiness. They’re bite-sized indulgences that bring smiles to faces, making any occasion extra special.

Warm and Comforting – There’s something heartwarming about enjoying a freshly made, warm donut. The combination of cozy comfort and delectable flavors creates a moment of pure joy.

recipe starts here

Jam Donuts Ingredients and Equipment

Ingredients Equipment
  • Flour: 200g
  • Sugar: 20g
  • Salt: 1.5g
  • Yeast: 2.5g
  • Milk: 108g
    Egg liquid: 12g
  • Butter: 20g
  • Ginger: 1
  • Jam (for filling)
  • powdered sugar (for decoration)
  • Bread Machine (or Mixing Bowl)
  • Whisk
  • Spatula
  • Fry Pan
  • Non-Stick Baking Pan
  • Rolling Pin
  • Donut Cutter
  • Piping Bag/Funnel
  • Plastic Food Wrap
  • Non-Stick Parchment Paper Sheet
  • Cooling Rack

Jam Donuts Instructions

Jam Donuts

Step 1: Prepare the Dough

Start by placing all the ingredients except the butter into the bread machine. Let the machine knead the mixture until a smooth dough forms. This process will take approximately 15 minutes.

Jam Donuts

Step 2: Incorporate the Butter

Now, add the butter and continue kneading until the dough expands, which should take around 15 more minutes.

Jam Donuts

Step 3: Allow for Rising

Let the dough rise until it doubles in size. This might take some time, so be patient.

Jam Donuts

Step 4: Shape the Donuts

Once the dough has risen, take it out and use a rolling pin to remove excess air. Then, use a donut cutter to shape the dough into donuts.

Jam Donuts

Step 5: Form Additional Dough Balls

Divide the remaining dough into smaller portions, each about 46g. Shape these portions into separate balls.

Jam Donuts

Step 6: Second Fermentation

Flatten the balls slightly and allow them to undergo a second round of fermentation. They should increase in size by about 1.5 to 2 times.

Jam Donuts

Step 7: Heat the Oil

Heat some oil in a pan and add a piece of ginger. You’ll know the oil is ready when bubbles start forming around the sides of the pan.

Jam Donuts

Step 8: Fry the Donuts

Gently slide the donuts or dough into the pan and fry them over medium heat. Each side should take about 50 seconds to turn a golden color.

Jam Donuts

Step 9: Drain Excess Oil

Once fried, place the donuts on the rail to drain any excess oil.

Jam Donuts

Step 10: Fill with Jam

Using a knife, make a small hole in the white side of the donut. Then, use a Piping Bag to carefully fill the donut with your choice of jam.

Jam Donuts

Step 11: Finish and Serve

To finish, sprinkle the donuts with powdered sugar for a touch of sweetness. Your jam-filled donuts are now ready to be served and enjoyed!

Jam Donuts Serving Suggestions

Serving Suggestions

  1. Dessert Platter: Create a delightful dessert platter by arranging the Jam Donuts alongside other sweet treats like mini pastries, fruit tarts, and chocolate-covered strawberries.
  2. Variety of Jams: Offer a selection of different jams for filling. This way, guests can choose their favorite flavor or even mix and match for a personalized treat.
  3. Fresh Berries: Serve the donuts with a side of fresh berries like strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries. The fruity sweetness pairs wonderfully with the donuts.
  4. Whipped Cream: Provide a dollop of freshly whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream as a creamy and indulgent accompaniment.
  5. Mini Donut Tower: Create an eye-catching centerpiece by stacking the Jam Donuts in a tower-like arrangement. Dust with powdered sugar for an elegant touch.
  6. Nut Toppings: Sprinkle chopped nuts like pistachios, almonds, or hazelnuts on top of the donuts for an added crunch and flavor dimension.

Beverage Pairings

  1. Coffee: Classic drip coffee or a latte pairs beautifully with the sweet and doughy notes of the Jam Donuts.
  2. Tea: Enjoy your donuts with a cup of black tea, herbal tea, or even a floral blend. Earl Grey tea is a particularly nice choice due to its citrusy aroma.
  3. Hot Chocolate: Indulge in the comforting combination of hot chocolate and donuts for a cozy and satisfying treat.
  4. Fruit Infused Water: Refresh your palate with infused water featuring slices of citrus fruits, berries, or even cucumber for a light and hydrating option.
  5. Sparkling Beverage: A glass of sparkling water or sparkling fruit juice adds a bubbly contrast to the sweetness of the donuts.
  6. Milkshake: Go all out with a milkshake made from your favorite ice cream flavor. A strawberry or vanilla milkshake would pair wonderfully.
  7. Fruit Smoothie: Enjoy a nutritious pairing by sipping on a fruit smoothie made with yogurt and your choice of fruits.
  8. Chai Latte: The warm and spicy notes of chai tea make it a delightful partner for the sweetness of the donuts.

Jam Donuts Cooking Tips and Tricks

Fresh Yeast

If possible, use fresh yeast for the dough as it can result in a better rise and texture compared to dry yeast.

Dough Consistency

While kneading the dough, aim for a smooth and slightly elastic consistency. It should be soft but not overly sticky. Adjust with a bit of flour or water as needed.

Butter Incorporation

When adding butter to the dough, ensure it’s at room temperature for better mixing. Knead until the dough is smooth and the butter is fully integrated.

Proofing Temperature

For dough rising, a warm and draft-free area is ideal. Too cold, and the dough won’t rise properly; too hot, and it might rise too quickly.

Cutting Donuts

Dip the donut cutter or a round cookie cutter in flour before cutting to prevent sticking. Gently twist the cutter when removing the cut dough to maintain a nice shape.

6Uniform Size

While shaping dough balls for the second fermentation, aim for uniform sizes to ensure even cooking.

Frying Temperature

Maintain a consistent oil temperature throughout frying. Fluctuating temperatures can affect the donuts’ texture.

Oil Depth

Use enough oil in the pan to submerge the donuts halfway. This allows for even frying and browning.

Test the Oil

Drop a small piece of dough into the oil to test its temperature. If it sizzles and starts to cook, the oil is ready.

Donut Placement

Avoid overcrowding the pan while frying. This ensures that each donut has enough space to expand and cook evenly.

Gentle Handling

When flipping the donuts, use tongs or a slotted spoon to gently turn them over to prevent splattering hot oil.

Drain Excess Oil

You may place the fried donuts on paper towels after cooking to help absorb any excess oil.

Jam Filling

When using a piping bag to fill the donuts with jam, insert the tip gently and squeeze the bag slowly to prevent overfilling.

Diversify Fillings

Don’t limit yourself to just one type of jam. Experiment with different flavors to find your favorite pairing.

Topping Variation

Besides powdered sugar, you can also roll the filled donuts in granulated sugar, cinnamon-sugar, or even a light glaze for added sweetness and texture.

Jam Donuts Storage and Shelf Life


  • Short-Term Storage: If you plan to consume the Jam Donuts within a day or two, it’s best to store them at room temperature in an airtight container or a sealable bag. This will help preserve their freshness and prevent them from becoming too dry.
  • Refrigeration: If you have leftover donuts and want to keep them for a few more days, you can store them in the refrigerator. Place them in an airtight container or wrap them in plastic wrap to prevent moisture loss. However, keep in mind that refrigeration can cause the texture to change slightly.
  • Freezing: For longer storage, freezing is a great option. To freeze, place the donuts in an airtight container or sealable bag, making sure they’re well-sealed to prevent freezer burn. You can freeze them either before or after filling with jam.

Shelf Life

  • Room Temperature: Jam Donuts are best consumed within a day or two of being made when stored at room temperature. After this time, they may start to become dry and lose their freshness.
  • Refrigeration: If stored in the refrigerator, Jam Donuts can last for an additional 2 to 3 days. However, keep in mind that refrigeration can cause the texture to change, and the donuts may lose their original softness.
  • Freezing: When properly frozen, Jam Donuts can be kept for about 1 to 2 months. However, the texture may change slightly upon thawing, so it’s best to consume them relatively soon after thawing.

Thawing Frozen Donuts

  • To thaw frozen Jam Donuts, simply remove them from the freezer and let them come to room temperature. You can also warm them up in an oven preheated to a low temperature (about 300°F or 150°C) for a few minutes until they’re warmed through. Be cautious not to overheat them, as this can cause the donuts to become too dry.

It’s important to note that the quality and taste of the donuts might vary based on the storage method and duration. For the best experience, aim to enjoy your Jam Donuts while they’re still fresh and at their prime.

Frequently Asked Questions for Jam Donuts


Q: What’s the best jam to use for filling donuts?

A: Smooth, thick jams like raspberry, strawberry, apricot, and cherry work best. Avoid chunky jams that can clog a piping bag.

Q: Can I use jelly instead of jam?

A: Jelly is thinner and more likely to leak out of the donut during frying or eating. Jam has a thicker consistency that stays put better.

Q: Can I use a different type of jam for filling?

A: Absolutely! You can use any type of jam or fruit preserve that you enjoy. Experiment with different flavors to create a variety of delicious combinations.

Q: How can I tell if the dough has risen enough during proofing?

A: The dough should roughly double in size during proofing. You can perform the “poke test” – gently press your finger into the dough; if the indentation remains without springing back, the dough is ready.

Q: What’s the ideal frying temperature for the donuts?

A: Aim for an oil temperature around 350°F to 375°F (175°C to 190°C) for frying the donuts. This ensures a golden-brown exterior and a properly cooked interior.

Q: Can I bake the donuts instead of frying them?

A: Yes, you can try baking the donuts for a healthier alternative. Brush them with a bit of oil and bake at around 375°F (190°C) until they’re golden and cooked through.

Q: How do I prevent the jam from leaking out of the donuts?

A: Make sure not to overfill the donuts with jam. Use a piping bag to gently insert the jam into the donut, stopping when you feel a slight resistance.

Q: Can I prepare the dough in advance and fry them later?

A: Yes, you can refrigerate the dough after the first fermentation. Cover it tightly with plastic wrap and let it rise slowly in the refrigerator. When you’re ready to make the donuts, allow the dough to come to room temperature and continue with the shaping, proofing, frying, and filling steps.

Q: How do I avoid a heavy, oily texture in the donuts?

A: Ensure that the oil is at the right temperature before frying, and avoid overcrowding the pan. Properly draining the fried donuts on paper towels after frying also helps remove excess oil.

Q: My donuts absorbed too much oil. What went wrong?

A: The oil was likely not hot enough. Frying at too low of a temp causes donuts to get greasy. Maintain the oil between 360-375°F.


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