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Coffee Whole-Grain Bagels Recipe

Coffee Whole-Grain Bagels Recipe

Our coffee whole-grain bagels recipe delivers a delicious twist on this classic breakfast staple. Made with a blend of whole wheat and rye flours, these bagels boast a nuttier, earthier taste and heartier texture compared to traditional white flour varieties. The addition of coffee takes the flavors up a notch, infusing the dough with aromatic, roasted notes to give your mornings an extra boost.

Unlike some lengthy, complex bagel recipes, ours comes together with ease. After a short rest in the fridge, the dough is ready to be boiled and baked into bagels with a tender interior and satisfying chew. The results are fresh, homemade bagels bursting with wholesome grains and a hint of coffee – an irresistible combination.

Whether you like your bagels topped with creamy schmear or stacked into a hearty sandwich, our coffee whole-grain recipe doesn’t disappoint. The nutty, complex flavor profile and delightfully chewy texture make these bagels a satisfying breakfast or snack any time of day.

Take your weekends up a notch with the amazing aroma of freshly baked bagels coming from your kitchen. Friends and family will be amazed that you baked these wholesome, homemade bagels so effortlessly. Give our recipe a try and discover for yourself why these unique coffee whole-grain bagels are so hard to resist.

Why You Will Love This Coffee Whole-grain Bagels Recipe

Distinctive Fusion of Flavors: We’ve masterfully combined the deep, rich notes of coffee with the wholesome charm of whole-grain goodness. The result is a symphony of flavors that dance on your palate, awakening your senses in ways you never imagined.

Hearty and Nutrient-Rich: These bagels aren’t just delicious; they’re also a nourishing choice. Whole-grain flour infuses every bite with essential nutrients, while the subtle bitterness of coffee adds a unique layer of complexity to the taste profile.

Versatile Enjoyment: Whether you prefer a quick morning bite or a leisurely brunch, these bagels fit the bill. Enjoy them toasted with your favorite spreads or as a hearty base for sandwiches that redefine satisfaction.

Elevate Your Rituals: Elevate your morning coffee routine by pairing it with a bagel that shares its essence. It’s more than just a meal; it’s a ritual that brings together two beloved comforts.

recipe starts here

Coffee Whole-grain Bagels Ingredients and Equipment

Ingredients Equipment
  • Whole Grain Flour: 70 grams
  • High-gluten Flour: 175 grams
  • Yeast: 5 grams
  • Salt: 2 grams
  • Instant Coffee Powder: 6 grams
  • Oven
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Whisk
  • Spatula
  • Cooking Pot
  • Non-Stick Donut Baking Pan
  • Rolling Pin
  • Plastic Food Wrap
  • Non-Stick Parchment Paper Sheet

Coffee Whole-grain Bagels Instructions

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 1

First, gather all your ingredients and get them prepared

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 2

Pour some hot water into the instant coffee and stir well. Let it cool down for later use.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 3

Mix the high-gluten flour and whole grain flour evenly in a glass basin using a silicone spatula.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 4

Pour in the yeast, coffee, and water into the basin and stir well with the spatula.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 5

Keep stirring until there are no dry powder bits left.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 6

Knead the dough by hand until it forms a smooth batter. Cover it with plastic wrap and let it stand for a while. Then, knead it again until the surface is completely smooth. Cover it again and let it stand for half an hour.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 7

Take out the dough and press it flat.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 8

Use a spatula to divide the dough into 6 equal portions.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 9

Knead each portion into a ball, cover it with plastic wrap, and let it rest for 15 minutes.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 10

Take a small dough ball and roll it out.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 11

Turn it sideways, roll it up from top to bottom, and press the edges to make it easier to close.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 12

Knead the dough into long strips.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 13

Roll one end into flakes using a rolling pin.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 14

Flip the other end around and wrap it with the flake part, pinching to close.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 15

Repeat Steps 10-14 until you’ve made 6 bagels in total.

Let them ferment in a warm place until they double in size.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 16

Boil some water and sugar (optional) in a pan.

Once it boils, put the bagels in and boil each side for about 15 seconds.

Remove and place them on a baking pan.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 17

Repeat Step 16 for all 6 bagels.

Coffee Whole Grain Bagels

Step 18

Preheat the oven to 400°F and bake the bagels for about 22 minutes.

Step 19

Voila! Your oil-free and sugar-free whole-wheat bagels are ready to be enjoyed as a delicious breakfast staple.

They’re chewy, flavorful, and oh-so-delicious!

Coffee Whole-grain Bagels Serving Suggestions

Serving Suggestions

Pair the delectable Coffee Whole-Grain Bagels with an array of enticing accompaniments for a breakfast or snack experience like no other

  1. Creamy Spreads: Slather on cream cheese, Greek yogurt, or almond butter to enhance the bagel’s flavors and textures.
  2. Smoked Salmon: Elevate your bagel into a gourmet treat by adding smoked salmon, red onion slices, capers, and a dollop of cream cheese.
  3. Avocado Mash: Spread a generous layer of mashed avocado on your bagel, and top it with a sprinkle of red pepper flakes and a drizzle of olive oil.
  4. Egg Delight: Create a satisfying sandwich by adding scrambled or fried eggs, a slice of cheese, and some fresh spinach leaves.
  5. Nutty Indulgence: Spread hazelnut or chocolate spread for a sweet twist that complements the bagel’s coffee undertones.
  6. Vegan Delights: For a vegan-friendly option, opt for hummus, roasted veggies, and a sprinkle of nutritional yeast.

Beverage Suggestions

Enhance the flavor experience of your Coffee Whole-Grain Bagels by pairing them with beverages that harmonize with their coffee-infused essence

  1. Freshly Brewed Coffee: Stick to the theme by enjoying a cup of well-brewed coffee that resonates with the bagel’s coffee notes.
  2. Chai Latte: The warm spices of chai beautifully complement the bagel’s earthy tones.
  3. Iced Latte: When the weather calls for something refreshing, an iced latte offers a cooling contrast to the hearty bagel.
  4. Fruit Smoothies: Blend up a smoothie with bananas, berries, and a splash of almond milk for a refreshing and nutritious pairing.
  5. Green Tea: Opt for green tea if you’re seeking a light, herbal companion that won’t overpower the bagel’s flavors.
  6. Cold-Pressed Juices: A glass of fresh orange or apple juice adds a burst of fruity vibrancy to your bagel experience.

Coffee Whole-grain Bagels Storage and Shelf Life

To ensure the longevity and freshness of your Coffee Whole-Grain Bagels, follow these storage guidelines

  1. Immediate Consumption: For the freshest experience, enjoy the bagels within the first day of baking. Their texture and flavor are at their prime during this time.
  2. Short-Term Storage: If you plan to consume the bagels within 2-3 days, store them in an airtight container or resealable plastic bag at room temperature. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, moisture, or extreme temperatures.
  3. Longer Storage: To extend the shelf life further, consider freezing the bagels. Wrap each bagel individually in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn. Then, place the wrapped bagels in a freezer-safe zip-top bag. They can be frozen for up to 2-3 months without significant loss of quality.
  4. Thawing and Reheating: When ready to enjoy frozen bagels, remove them from the freezer and let them thaw at room temperature or in the refrigerator. To restore freshness, preheat your oven to around 350°F (175°C), wrap the thawed bagel in aluminum foil, and warm it in the oven for about 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can slice the bagel in half and toast it in a toaster.

Remember that the bagels’ quality might slightly diminish over time, but proper storage can help preserve their taste and texture. Always use your judgment and senses to determine if the bagels are still suitable for consumption.

Coffee Whole-grain Bagels Cooking Tips and Tricks

Kneading Technique: When kneading the dough, use the heel of your hand to push the dough away from you and then fold it back over itself. This technique helps develop the gluten and create a smooth, elastic dough.

Dough Consistency: The dough should be slightly sticky but manageable. Avoid adding excessive flour during kneading, as this can result in dry bagels. If the dough is too sticky, lightly grease your hands while shaping.

Proofing Time: Allow the dough to rise sufficiently during both the initial rise and the shaping step. Proper proofing ensures the bagels will be airy and chewy.

Shaping Bagels: To shape the bagels, roll a piece of dough into a ball, then poke your finger through the center and gently stretch the hole to form the characteristic bagel shape. A well-formed hole will expand during boiling and baking.

Boiling Technique: Boiling the bagels before baking is essential for achieving the chewy crust. Use a wide pot and gently place the bagels in boiling water. Boil each side for about 15 sec. For enhanced flavor, you can add a bit of malt syrup or honey to the boiling water.

Toppings and Variations: Experiment with toppings like sesame seeds, poppy seeds, oats, or even finely ground coffee for an extra touch of flavor and texture. Apply the toppings immediately after boiling, so they adhere to the damp surface.

Baking Environment: Preheat your oven properly and use a baking stone or a baking sheet to create a consistent heat source. A burst of steam in the oven during the first few minutes of baking enhances the bagels’ crust formation.

Baking Time: Keep a close eye on the bagels while baking, as oven temperatures can vary. They should turn golden brown and develop a slightly crisp exterior.

Cooling: Allow the baked bagels to cool on a wire rack before slicing or serving. This prevents the moisture trapped inside from making the crust soggy.

Personalization: Feel free to get creative with add-ins like chopped nuts, dried fruits, or even a hint of spice to infuse your bagels with unique flavors.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q1: Can I use espresso instead of instant coffee in the Coffee Whole-Grain Bagels recipe?

A1: Yes, you can use espresso instead of instant coffee in the recipe. Make sure to not use too many shots before adding it to the dough to evenly distribute the coffee flavor.

Q2: Can I substitute whole-grain flour with all-purpose flour?

A2: While whole-grain flour provides a unique flavor and nutritional profile, you can substitute a portion of it with all-purpose flour for a lighter texture. However, using all-purpose flour exclusively might change the bagels’ character.

Q3: How do I adjust the sweetness of the bagels?

A3: If you prefer sweeter bagels, you can put the amount of sweetener in the recipe, such as honey or brown sugar. Adjust the quantity to your taste, but keep in mind that the bagels’ balance of flavors might be affected.

Q4: Can I make mini bagels or different shapes?

A4: Absolutely! You can shape the dough into mini bagels, rolls, or even twists. Adjust the baking time accordingly, as smaller items might bake faster than traditional-sized bagels.

Q5: How do I prevent the bagels from becoming too dense?

A5: To prevent dense bagels, avoid over-kneading the dough and ensure proper proofing during both rising stages. Gentle handling and adequate rising time will contribute to the bagels’ desired airy texture.

Q6: Can I freeze the dough before baking?

A6: Yes, you can freeze the dough after shaping it into bagels. Place them on a baking sheet, freeze until firm, then transfer to a sealed bag. When ready to bake, thaw and follow the boiling and baking steps in the recipe.

Q7: How can I tell if the bagels are fully boiled during the boiling stage?

A7: A properly boiled bagel will float to the surface of the water. If they don’t float within a minute, gently nudge them with a spoon. Boil each side for at most 1-2 minutes per side.

Q8: Can I make the dough in advance and bake it later?

A8: Yes, you can prepare the dough, complete the initial rise, shape the bagels, and then refrigerate them overnight. Allow the refrigerated bagels to come to room temperature before boiling and baking.

Q9: Can I add mix-ins like chocolate chips or dried fruit to the dough?

A9: Absolutely! Mix-ins like chocolate chips, dried fruit, or nuts can be added to the dough after the initial mixing stage. Fold them in gently to avoid overworking the dough.

Q10: Why do the bagels need steam during baking?

A10: Steam helps create a crisp crust on the bagels during the baking process. You can achieve this by placing a pan of hot water in the oven while baking, or by using a spray bottle to mist water onto the bagels in the first few minutes of baking.

Try our other Bagel recipes?

Please find them from HERE

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